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Why FashionFive

FashionFive a blazingly fast Ecommerce platform powered by

Gatsby + Contentful + Snipcart + Node Custom Backend

Faster and more SEO friendy than any frontend WordPress or Shopify site created by the vast majority of web design agencies and at a fraction of the cost.

What is a Node Custom Backend? This website has a backend built on top of Mongo Db Atlas. Here we are able to see the closest stores depending on the users location. Users will be able to add and edit product reviews which other users can like. Users can create profiles and edit their information. All this information will be collected and stored in a custom backend database.

About Me

My name is Alex Quasar. I am professional full stack web developer and digital ads consultant. I build websites for local businesses and work with companies small and large using the latest and greatest technoligies. These include:

JAM Stack & MERN Stack & Gatsby & Contentful

You can read more on my about page: here


What platform I use to develop a custom site for a client depends on a individual case by case base on a wide variety of factors such as budget, inventory, transaction cost and client preference. For more information on pricing, please check out my pricing page: here

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